Friday, April 20, 2007

A Pooped Slipper

Location: Seeking protection up against the cement base of a parking lot light standard in Santee, CA - in the Best Buy/IHOP restaurant lot.

Condition: A man's huge slipper - size 12 - 13, black corduroy, used and scuffed with a fresh white plop of seagull poop on the big toe.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Left at the Lake

Location: Left among the mossy rocks at the water's edge of Lake Wohlford near San Diego, California

Condition: A woman's slip-on, left brown suede shoe with a high def tread sole - for hiking? Looks to be about a size 7 with lots of moss growing all around the base. Blends well with the other moss covered rocks but seems out of place, cold and lonely.